All the Ways We Care

All The Ways We Care

Good health is your family’s most precious possession. That’s the reason Main Street Hospital, together with our physician staff, offers a comprehensive range of services for both the detection and treatment of many medical conditions. The sooner a disease is detected and diagnosed, the more likely that disease can be successfully treated or managed. Here are just a few of the medical resources we provide to help your family stay healthy.

Heart Disease


EKG: This painless and non-invasive test monitors the electrical signals that travel through your heart.Also known as an ECG or electrocardiogram, an EKG is used to detect heart defects, an irregular heartbeat, problems with the heart valves, and blocked or narrowed arteries in your heart.

Blood Pressure Check: Just about any visit to a doctor involves checking your blood pressure. A reading of more than 140/90 for either number is considered high blood pressure and indicates an increased risk for a heart attack or stroke.

Cholesterol Test: This blood test, which is usually done in the morning after fasting for a more accurate reading, helps determine the risk of blocked or narrowed arteries.


Cardiac Catheterization: A long thin tube is inserted into the heart through one of the large arteries in the body. The procedure is used to diagnose or treat various cardiac problems.

Coronary Angioplasty: A tiny balloon is inserted into a clogged heart artery and then inflated to widen the artery. A small wire mesh tube called a stent may be placed in the artery to help it remain open.

Peripheral Angioplasty: This type of angioplasty is used to diagnose and treat hardening and narrowing of non-coronary arteries in the legs and other parts of the body.



Colonoscopy for Colorectal Cancer: This screening exam allows doctors to closely inspect the entire colon for signs of cancer. A colonoscopy is usually performed every 10 years, starting at age 50, depending on your personal risk. A Flexible Sigmoidoscopy examines the lower part of the colon and is usually performed every five years, again depending on your personal risk.

Mammogram for Breast Cancer: Thanks to recent improvements, mammograms today are quicker and less painful. Women over 40 should have a yearly mammogram. Be sure to talk to your personal physician about how often you should be screened.