Are You At Risk?

Talk to your doctor if you have any of the following key risk factors for heart disease:

Age: About 82 percent of people who die of heart disease are age 65 or older.

Gender: Males are more at risk, but heart disease is still the #1 cause of death in American women.

Family History: You are more likely to have heart disease if your parents did.

Smoking: Smokers are 2 - 4 times more likely to have heart disease.

High Blood Pressure: Anything above 140/90.

High Blood Cholesterol: 240 and higher is considered high for total cholesterol; 200 to 239 is considered borderline.

Overweight: Raises your blood pressure and cholesterol levels.

Physical Inactivity: An estimated 35 percent of heart disease is caused by lack of exercise.

Diabetes: 65 percent of diabetics die of some form of heart disease or stroke.


Sources: American Heart Association; National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute, CDC, New York Department of Health