Live It Out: Taking a Stand Against Heart Disease

Taking a stand against heart disease, the nation’s number 1 killer, starts with you. Here are four simple ways to reduce your risk.

1. See Your Doctor
The first step in fighting heart disease is to see your personal physician at least once a year. Your doctor will check your cholesterol and blood pressure, review your family history of heart disease, evaluate your overall health, and help you control key risk factors.

Website Link: Don’t have a primary care physician? Don’t worry. Just go to and click on Find A Physician.

2. Get Moving
Just 30 minutes of aerobic exercise each day can lower your blood pressure as much as some medications. Aerobic exercise is any activity that gets your heart pumping, whether it’s swimming or mowing the lawn. Experts recommend you get at least 150 minutes of physical exercise each week—for example, five 30-minute brisk walks. You’ll feel better and have more energy.

3. Lose Weight
Losing just 5-10 percent of your body weight improves your cholesterol and lowers your blood pressure.

4. Stop Smoking
For the 40 million Americans who smoke, the single best way to prevent heart disease is simple: QUIT! That’s because smokers are two to
four times more likely to develop
heart disease.

Source: American Heart Association, Web MD