Test Your Heart IQ

When it comes to heart disease, knowledge is not only powerful, it can also be life-saving. Test your understanding of heart disease by answering these six true/false questions and then checking the answers below.

  1. A woman is more likely to survive the first year after a heart attack than a man.
  2. Taking an aspirin during a heart attack can limit the damage done.
  3. Heart disease kills more women than breast cancer.
  4. Your heart stops beating when a heart attack strikes.
  5. The best way to prevent a heart attack is to stop smoking.
  6. Adding more fiber to your diet is good for your heart.
  1. False. About 42 percent of women who have a heart attack die within one year, compared to only 24 percent of men.
  2. True. Chewing a 325-mg dose of aspirin helps prevent blood clots, which can block your arteries.
  3. True. Heart disease is the No. 1 killer of women in the United States. One in three women die of heart disease, while one in 31 die of breast cancer.
  4. False. During a heart attack, the heart is almost always still beating, but the blood supply to the heart is blocked. As a result, it doesn’t get enough oxygen, which can injure the heart. When your heart suddenly stops beating, it's called "cardiac arrest."
  5. True. In fact, quitting smoking can lower your heart rate and your blood pressure almost immediately. Women who smoke are at risk of having a heart attack 19 years earlier than women who don’t smoke.
  6. True. LDL, or “bad” cholesterol, can lead to a dangerous buildup of cholesterol in the arteries. Fiber from whole grains, fruits, vegetables and beans lowers your LDL.

Sources: Promedica, WebMD, Women’s Heart Foundation, Harvard Health Publishing